at present是什么意思,at present的解释

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at present是什么意思,at present的解释:现在, 目前英语解释:副词 at present:at the present moment同义词:now例句:At present, I ,at present中英例句,英汉词典。

at present



现在, 目前


副词 at present:

  1. at the present moment同义词:now


  1. At present, I don't want to get married.目前,我还不想结婚。
  2. At no time has the country been more prosperous than at present.我国任何时候都没有现在这样繁荣。
  3. I have no enough material in hand at present.目前我手头没有足够的资料。
  4. I am quite at leisure at present if you want me to help you.如果你要我帮忙,我现在有空。
  5. The international situation is very delicate at present.目前的国际形势极其微妙。
  6. Never before have they been so inspired and so daring as at present.从来没有看见他们像现在这样精神振奋,意气风发。
  7. They have no intention of getting married at present.他们目前没有结婚的打算。
  8. There is very little profit in selling newspapers at present.现在卖报纸利润很少。