
  • 成长中的烦恼作文(精选5篇)已关闭评论
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The hour hou, spring, summer, autumn and winter have lasting appeal. Spring flowers, can see when I fly kites in the square shed happy perspiration; Xia Lichan song, when I can see on the swimming colorful spray splashing around; Autumn m…




In the process of growth, we are happy, also worry, want happiness is very easy, trouble is only between a read, can we still find it hard to get rid of trouble. Our life is full of the seven colors, however, even when the sun shines, also hard to avoid appear short of clouds.

The hour hou, spring, summer, autumn and winter have lasting appeal. Spring flowers, can see when I fly kites in the square shed happy perspiration; Xia Lichan song, when I can see on the swimming colorful spray splashing around; Autumn maple, flying can path that was covered in red maple saw me jumping figure; When the wind howling winter, can see happy smile on my face in the garden. With the warm winter sun all around.

As time flies, I gradually grew up, the four seasons is still the same color, but not the past, as are all the same, as if every day doing the same thing - get up, go to school, go to sleep.

Weekend, no longer belongs to yourself, all kinds of cram school behind. Life, the less laughter, less happy, the more trouble, the more disappointed.

When the spring flowers, no more time to enjoy, see the kite, there is a puzzling of sadness, I carry a heavy bag on my way to school; In Xia Lichan wong, hot air was full of the whole sky, sweat instead of the tears shed, in the hot summer season, I m suffocating, laugh as if in the swimming pool is only a dream, sometimes find cicadas scream is also a kind of ridicule; Autumn maple flying, did not have the foot on the maple leaf is ringing sound, road is quiet, occasionally wind help, let me think maybe ringing sound just fantastical imagination; The wind howling winter, did not have the warm sunshine, only the gloomy sky and bone-chilling winds, bare branches like old witch long hands outside the window, I can only put down the bag, struggling in the crowd, it s raining, who is crying?



随着时间的飞逝,我渐渐长大了,四季还是一样的颜色,却没有了昔日的韵味,好像都是一个样,每天仿佛都在做同一件事 起床、上学、睡觉。




Each and every one has his own troubles in the process of growth of I, is no exception.

My troubles and almost everyone. For example: the examination didn t test good and work a lot more like the wuzhishan was too pressure to lift my head... Sometimes I wish I never grow up, just like the wayward Peter pan. In the stream of time, or quietly grew up... Every time I look at wutong leaves pieces, has filled the whole earth. I always think the leaves fell down in a flurry of is to hide a big secret, and I sweep leaves open, see always black asphalt road. Every time the clouds pass by overhead, I always silly looking at the sky, what want to see after the clouds passed. But I know that, behind the clouds is still the sky, the same sky. Interrogation, one of the two is the most profound, I remember the first time I didn t write a composition, I don t know what s going on I just don t like to write a composition, one to write a composition my brain will explode, but can t write, had to save words scraps, the written word. BUT the teacher had to write six hundred words, in my this is a big discount, so we have to start up words, words enough statements not smooth again is flawed. Finally with the help of dad finished, another boy one day to see the time in the past. So I don t want to write so disgusted composition.

The second time I didn t write my homework at home because my parents in the east, write better. West 1: word and word alignment is not willing to write to the school to write, but didn t finish writing by the teacher to the office again, this time I was fired, that is I never stopped writing homework this time.

In the process of growth of the trouble, just a small test of your life, after the small test you will growth step.


我的烦恼和大家的差不多。比如说:考试没考好、作业一箩筐多得都像五指山把我压得抬不起头 有时候真希望自己永远也不要长大,就像那个任性的彼得潘一样。而在时光的洪流中,还是悄悄的渐渐长大 每次看着梧桐树叶一片片掉下来,一直掉满整个大地。我总觉得那些树叶慌慌张张的掉下来是为了遮住一个大秘密,而我扫开落叶,看到的总是黑色的柏油马路。每次云朵路过头顶,我总会傻傻望着天空,想看看云朵走过后露出的是什么。但我知道,云后面还是那个天空,一成不变的天空。审讯,其中有两次是我记得最深刻,第一次我没有写作文,不知道怎么回事我就是不喜欢写作文,一写作文我脑子就要爆炸,可又不能不写,只好搜肠刮肚攒词,词写好了。BUT老师让写六百字,在我这可就是大打折扣了,只好开始凑字,字数够了语句又不通顺了可谓是漏洞百出。最后还是在老爸的帮助下写完了,再一看时间好家伙一天过去了。因此我十分厌恶作文不愿意写。

我第二次不写作业是因为我在家里父母东一句: 字写好点。 西一句: 字和字要对齐 不愿意写就到学校写,可是没写完又被老师拎到办公室,这一次我差一点就被开除了,也就是这一回我再也不敢不写作业了。



Look at those children play so happy, they play without any worry. A few years ago I also is such, people grow up, you worry too much. Think of these troubles my head hurts. I really don t want to grow up.

My academic record is upper, quiz when I almost can t do it. In the fifth grade I find that I don t like to learn more and more. Dad used to say: you how don t study hard, you how to take an examination of junior middle school, elementary school came close to you not, if you are not good school examinations, you later work how to do? You this elementary school diploma that someone wants to you, you don t have any special skill, what do you do? Now read only ambition ah, the child reading is for the sake of your own, not for their parents. Yeah, now don t read that have come out on top of the day, even some college students have no work right now. My heart is tired ah think of this problem.

Just in elementary school, everything is so unfamiliar, teachers, school and students. Passed a semester, there are a lot of classmates I don t know, I don t know how to communicate with them. Physical education classes, there are a lot of students are playing together, I would like to play with them, but I don t know how, and they said.

The day before yesterday, my father saw my diary, I was very angry, I go to reason with dad, dad say parents should know that all of the children. But diary wrote my little secret, let the people know like being naked through the. I quarrel with my father, this a few days we are all in the cold war.

How I want to no trouble in my life that it would be good! But person not may not have the worry, like under the sunshine, also hard to avoid the prospect of a brief back. Actually worry is not terrible, the key is how you treat it. From now on, let s deal with the worry, to eliminate the worry, let us with a colorful dream; Mature!


我的学习成绩只是中上的,小考的时候我差点考不上。到了五年级我发现自己越来越不喜欢学习了。爸爸常常说: 你怎么不努力学习,你怎样考初中啊,你小学就差点靠不上,你如果考不上好学校,你以后的工作怎么办啊?你这小学文凭那有人要你,你又没有什么特长,你去干什么呢啊?现在读书才出息啊,孩子读书是为了你自己啊,不是为父母啊。 是啊,现在不读书那有出人头地的一天啊,现在连有些大学生都没有工作啊。想起这个问题我心就烦啊。


















几个星期后,比赛结果出来了,压力再次降临到我的身上,我没比上。双休日 ,美术老师对我责骂了一番,我低着头,任凭老师骂……回到家,妈妈也拉着我,说:“你到底有没有认真学,你在学些什么,都学两年了,怎么……真是气死我了!“我仍是低着头,大滴大滴的泪水不住的流着,当时妈妈对我说的话我几乎都没听进去。我心里只是这样想着——我的成长很烦恼。