
  • 里约大冒险影评,里约大冒险2豆瓣评分(热点)已关闭评论
  • A+

有很多朋友想要了解相关的资讯,下面给大家介绍一下 里约大冒险1的英文观后感once upon a time,there was a parrot named Blu lived with

有很多朋友想要了解相关的资讯,下面给大家介绍一下 里约大冒险1的英文观后感once upon a time,there was a parrot named Blu lived with


once upon a time,there was a parrot named Blu lived with its master Linda,with the time goes by,it couldn’t fly.then a doctor found it and told Linda,in order to find it they arrived in Rio.To their surprise,the two parrots were seized by a bad guy,he was gonna sell them.but at last Linda and the doctor saved them wisely.and Blu discovered the talent deep inside him,he could fly finally.一只鹦鹉布鲁与主人琳达生活在美国,在笼子里住久了它不会飞了.后来一位博士发现了它,告诉琳达,于是他们来到了里约.可是这两只鹦鹉被坏蛋抓走了,要把他们卖掉.后来琳达和博士,还有许多鸟,用他们的智慧把他们救了出来.布鲁激发出了自己的潜能,最终展开了翅膀,学会了飞翔.——希望可以帮到你!



This movie is about a blue macaw who is the last male of his kind.He travels with his owner Linda to Rio where the last female blue macaw lives.Some of the main characters in the movie are Blu,Jewel,and Rafael.Rafael is a toucan played by George Lopez.One of the best lines in the movie is when Blu is trying to fly and Rafael says,”Alright Blu,you’re flying!Sort of.Not really.” That is so funny.George Lopez has also played in another movie that I really loved called Beverly Hills Chihuahua 2.He always knows how to get the audience laughing.My favorite part of the movie is when Blu’s owner Linda is waking up in the morning and is trying to turn her alarm off.When she thinks she has it off,all of a sudden she hears more loud noises and it turns out to be Blu!Every movie has to have a bad guy and this move is no exception.There are poachers that steal lots of different kinds of birds as well as their mean pet cockatoo Nigel who causes a lot of trouble throughout the movie.He also enlists the help of a group of monkeys that turn out to be no help to him at all.Another great part of the movie is when the birds and monkeys fight!It was a great action scene and of course the birds won.I would recommend this movie for all ages because it’s such a good movie.There aren’t really any scary parts and I think all ages would like it.


This movie is about a blue macaw who is the last male of his kind. He travels with his owner Linda to Rio where the last female blue macaw lives. Some of the main characters in the movie are Blu, Jewel, and Rafael. Rafael is a toucan played by George Lopez. One of the best lines in the movie is when Blu is trying to fly and Rafael says, “Alright Blu, you’re flying! Sort of. Not really.” That is so funny. George Lopez has also played in another movie that I really loved called Beverly Hills Chihuahua 2. He always knows how to get the audience laughing.My favorite part of the movie is when Blu’s owner Linda is waking up in the morning and is trying to turn her alarm off. When she thinks she has it off, all of a sudden she hears more loud noises and it turns out to be Blu!Every movie has to have a bad guy and this move is no exception. There are poachers that steal lots of different kinds of birds as well as their mean pet cockatoo Nigel who causes a lot of trouble throughout the movie. He also enlists the help of a group of monkeys that turn out to be no help to him at all. Another great part of the movie is when the birds and monkeys fight! It was a great action scene and of course the birds won.I would recommend this movie for all ages because it’s such a good movie. There aren’t really any scary parts and I think all ages would like it.


是随便哪一部只要3D就可以吗《里约大冒险》 2011 3D动画片这是一部特别可爱的巴西宣传片,戴上3D眼镜的那一刻,就能感受到火热的热带风情,片中的小鸟比印度人更爱跳舞,而且跳的非常欢乐,电影里的爱情元素也非常适合情侣粘一块儿会心一笑,这应该是四月份最值得去影院看的片了。影片一开始,疯狂的小鸟从游戏跳上了银幕,色彩艳丽的犀鸟列成仪仗队,拥有美妙歌喉的金丝雀站在枝头,还有一只小小的蓝色的金刚鹦鹉刚刚睡醒。美好丛林惊醒了眼睛,五彩斑斓的大鸟从银幕中向我们奔涌而来,丛林中普通的一天,却充溢了全世界的美好。眼花缭乱中,整个人生似乎都随着开场雀跃欢呼,心情摇摆起来。走私贩的出现让一切跃动戛然而止。蓝色金刚鹦鹉Blue流落到了冰雪漫天的明尼苏达州小镇,遇到了小姑娘琳达,接下来的蒙太奇让人忍不住称赞,颇有《飞屋》前十五分钟的意味。每个人回头看自己的成长,都会发现一路弯弯曲曲总有人陪伴,也许满地都是碎片,记忆里留下的却是美好与欢颜。温暖,欢乐,疯狂,关怀,被需要,不同物种的友情演绎起来分外能溶入生活。然而任何一段情谊都难免遭遇被质疑和嘲笑的窘境。Blue被户外的鸟儿讥讽不是一只真正的鸟儿,他甚至不会飞。只是这些通通都是前奏。Blue没有英雄梦想,没有重振种族的愿景,在他陪伴琳达的年年岁岁中,他从未觉得她是她的主人,他喜欢笼子,喜欢咖啡与棉花糖,喜欢不用飞的生活。但命运还是将他推上了舞台中央,他是最后一只雄性金刚鹦鹉,他要去里约与世界上最后一只雌性金刚鹦鹉Jewel相亲。真正的大冒险在学术男杜立欧博士的造访之后有声有色起来,从平静的小镇到热闹非凡的狂欢城市里约,满眼丰盛的异域风情,群鸟party快乐狂欢,所有的歌曲都成了惊喜,欢欣一望无际,漂亮的鸟儿,歌喉美妙的鸟儿,带着瓶盖活泼泼的小黄鸟,还有巨嘴鸟拉斐尔,完美的桑巴元素,更有Blue和Jewel大秀歌舞。后面的剧情就不剧透了,非常好看~当Blue飞起来的时候坐在身旁的某人哭了,在开始的时候我就猜到总有一个时刻Blue会飞起来的,多么必然的动画片的美好桥段啊,但是一个自诩泪点很高的大男生哭了。真的是一种勇气吧。自由的勇气也好,爱情的勇气也好,没有更深沉的戏剧性,只是将爱的力量加以肯定,一种简单的存在于人也存在于动物身上的本性,只求自由、生存、完整的爱与被爱。看着Blue和Jewel在阳光充足天色蔚蓝的三千尺高向下坠落,我突然明白,在一起,是最洁净的爱的方式。想起了《巴士站》里的一句话“虽然我并不能为你指明前路,却可以一起走过这黑暗。”这就是爱与坚持的希望,好似微弱的星光,永志不灭。相较之下,现实要残忍得多,大多数现代社会的男女缺乏耐心,善变、脆弱,经济与自身生活质量是剩女宅男们不婚的首要原因。被门当户对的笼子禁锢了爱的能力。勇气与爱可以创造奇迹,但大多数等不到奇迹出现的那一天。也因此,人群愈发向往自然、飞翔、冒险与透彻的爱。回到影片,大嘴鸟拉斐尔说出了家比狂欢节更重要,Blue和Jewel有情人终成眷属,琳达与图里昂也生活在了一起,生机勃勃的丛林又孕育了新的生命。开心、欢愉、美满,好的动画片向来如此。