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took是什么意思,took的解释:take的过去式英语解释:动词 take:carry out同义词:takerequire (time or space)同义词:take,,took中英例句,英汉词典。


音标[tuk] 读音




动词 take:

  1. carry out同义词:take
  2. require (time or space)同义词:take, occupy, use up
  3. take somebody somewhere同义词:lead, take, direct, conduct, guide
  4. get into one's hands, take physically同义词:take, get hold of
  5. take on a certain form, attribute, or aspect同义词:assume, acquire, adopt, take on, take
  6. interpret something in a certain way; convey a particular meaning or impression同义词:take, read
  7. take something or somebody with oneself somewhere同义词:bring, convey, take
  8. take into one's possession同义词:take
  9. require as useful, just, or proper同义词:necessitate, ask, postulate, need, require, take, involve, call for, demand
  10. pick out, select, or choose from a number of alternatives同义词:choose, take, select, pick out
  11. travel or go by means of a certain kind of transportation, or a certain route同义词:take
  12. receive willingly something given or offered同义词:accept, take, have
  13. assume, as of positions or roles同义词:fill, take
  14. take into consideration for exemplifying purposes同义词:consider, take, deal, look at
  15. experience or feel or submit to同义词:take
  16. make a film or photograph of something同义词:film, shoot, take
  17. remove something concrete, as by lifting, pushing, or taking off, or remove something abstract同义词:remove, take, take away, withdraw
  18. serve oneself to, or consume regularly同义词:consume, ingest, take in, take, have
  19. accept or undergo, often unwillingly同义词:take, undergo, submit
  20. make use of or accept for some purpose同义词:take, accept
  21. take by force同义词:take
  22. occupy or take on同义词:assume, take, strike, take up
  23. admit into a group or community同义词:accept, admit, take, take on
  24. ascertain or determine by measuring, computing or take a reading from a dial同义词:take
  25. be a student of a certain subject同义词:learn, study, read, take
  26. take as an undesirable consequence of some event or state of affairs同义词:claim, take, exact
  27. head into a specified direction同义词:take, make
  28. aim or direct at; as of blows, weapons, or objects such as photographic equipment同义词:aim, take, train, take aim, direct
  29. be seized or affected in a specified way同义词:take
  30. have with oneself; have on one's person同义词:carry, pack, take
  31. engage for service under a term of contract同义词:lease, rent, hire, charter, engage, take
  32. receive or obtain by regular payment同义词:subscribe, subscribe to, take
  33. buy, select同义词:take
  34. to get into a position of having, e.g., safety, comfort同义词:take
  35. have sex with; archaic use同义词:take, have
  36. lay claim to; as of an idea同义词:claim, take
  37. be designed to hold or take同义词:accept, take
  38. be capable of holding or containing同义词:contain, take, hold
  39. develop a habit同义词:take
  40. proceed along in a vehicle同义词:drive, take
  41. obtain by winning同义词:take
  42. be stricken by an illness, fall victim to an illness同义词:contract, take, get


  1. The shop took (ie sold goods worth a total of)50000 last week.这商店上星期做了50000英镑的生意。
  2. He took a mournful view on human affairs.他对人世持悲观的态度。
  3. The colonists took up weapons to rebel against the British ruler.殖民地的人们拿起武器反抗英国统治者。
  4. He took the ninth position in his class of forty.他在40 个人的班级里排第九名。
  5. The usurper took power by force.篡夺者武装夺取了权力。
  6. He took his hat and then left.他拿起帽子,随即离开了。
  7. The traveler took out a bottle of water from the pack on his back.那位旅行者从他的背包中拿出了一瓶水。
  8. The management took all reasonable safety precautions.管理部门采取了一切合理的安全措施。