worse off是什么意思,worse off的解释

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worse off是什么意思,worse off的解释:恶化, 情况更坏【经】 经济拮据, 情况更坏, 恶化例句:The refugees are badly off for blankets, ,worse off中英例句,英汉词典。

worse off

音标[.wə:s 'ɔf] 读音


恶化, 情况更坏
【经】 经济拮据, 情况更坏, 恶化


  1. The refugees are badly off for blankets, and even worse off for food.难民需要毯子,更需要食物。
  2. I've only broken my arm; other patients are far worse off than me.我只是胳膊折了,其他病人比我严重得多。
  3. We shouldn't complain about being poor many families are much worse off (than we are).我们不应该因为穷而叫苦连天--许多人的家境(比起我们来)还要糟得多呢。
  4. The increase in taxes means that we'll be 30 a month worse off.加税後我们每月收入就要少了30英镑。
  5. Mark has lost his job and is worse off than ever.马克的工作丢了,情况比以前更糟。